This was something I completely wasn't expecting at all - Corra, of De Cor's Handmades, sprang it on me. Talk about surprise! Thank you Corra! It's definitely a bit of a *blink blink* moment, given I feel very much like a novice still in the field. There's just -so- much to learn and I'm clumsy, and sometimes it's like pulling -teeth- to get something simple right!
So, what I now have to do is play by the rules, and the rules are as follows:
This award was created by Team Etsy Malaysia (talk about news to me; Corra said she had no idea this existed and neither did I till she messaged me!) to promote, and hopefully, build a network of creative Malaysian bloggers around the world.
1. Put the logo on my blog or post.
2. List my 5 sources of inspiration.
3. Nominate 5 other Malaysian blogs which demonstrate some form of creativity.
4. Be sure to link to the nominees within my post.
5. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog, and if possible, make sure they follow these 6 steps too!
6. Share the love and link to the person from whom I received the award.
Here goes!
My 5 Sources of Inspiration:
1. Music - lyrics or just plain tunes, or even song titles.
2. Books - Nick Bantock's Windflower, Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes, Steven Brust's Jhereg etc. to name a few.
3. Blogs - Deryn Mentock's gorgeous work, Tammy's Treasure Chest, Corra's beautiful wired knots, Mei's amazing work, Swati's lovely jewellery, for starters.
4. RPGs and video games.
5. The weirdest places. I've found inspiration in a tank of guppies before.
5 other Malaysian blogs which demonstrate some form of creativity:
1. Vanity Vault - I took a class under April before, and she's a sweetheart. Her stuff is so very pretty!
2. Atelier Wendy Sue - I stumbled onto her work one day and the lady makes -beautiful- things all right.
3. Life For Beginners - Kenny writes some of the most beautiful prose; between the words and photos he makes even the mundane seem something totally special.
4. Standard Issue - She has a wicked sense of humour, doesn't update often, but her observations are spot-on and her photos are wonderful.
5. JP Beads - Shinies and pretties! Definitely worth a look.
Here's to creativity and expression!
Thank you soooooo much for this award... =D
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