Friday, April 05, 2019

GloPoWriMo Day 3: Martin

Write something that involves a story or action that unfolds over an appreciable length of time. Perhaps, as you do, you can focus on imagery, or sound, or emotional content (or all three!)


When you visit we’ll go to New York, you said.
I don’t mind driving out once in a while
Especially if it’s to see one of my favourite redheads.

How were we to know that you lived on borrowed time?
I’m the one who grew older
And you - frozen in stasis the moment your fragile body
Stopped its worn-out clock, gears snapping like matches  
You didn’t.


Merril D. Smith said...

Oh--so poignant. Those never to happen moments, and the wondering what if?

Shuku said...

Oh absolutely, Merril. I've been wondering for five years now how it might have gone had time been kinder, and Martin's body been less ravaged by sickness. I think we always wonder, even after so long.

Kerfe said...

Sometimes it's only when we look back that we can see where we should have gone. I think we all have similar regrets.

Shuku said...

You're right, Kerfe - sometimes hindsight really IS enlightening.

Barbara Turney Wieland said...

You overshot, I think. Aiming for sadness but hitting heartbreak instead. I’ve no clue how to insert those emoticon thingys, but i’m sure you can imagine those i’s choose.