There should have been an earthquake. Howling. Instead, there was only silence and a heat-drugged landscape, indolent under the heavy air. When the storm came it battered down relentlessly, washing all those words - everything that was ever said on that terrace - into the churning mud below. She watched as the crushed flower petals swirled over the edge, falling like tears at a grave, and thought, So this is how the world ends - without even a memorial to mark its passing.
Hey maybe you should start writing Shuku (or you already are?)...you are so good with words.
Yes she is, quite good with words. Am I right in thinking the drawing is your work as well? It looks like something of yours, but I don't know your signature in the characters to know for sure.
Mei: I write occasionally, have been told to write a lot more than occasionally. Just never really gotten around to it though.
SC: Any drawings I post up here would be mine unless otherwise stated. The characters, however, are not my signature, they are just the name of the piece.
Wow Shuku...what an awesome drawing and what beautiful words. I am so happy to see you creating more and more. You are so multi-talented!! Post the pictures of the lovely jewelry you have made too :-)).
LOL! 3:30 am Shuku?? You surely are in a creative drive to be working at this time! I'm really happy for you!! Spinner rings on your brain? LOL!! Aren't they cool? And there are so many kinds of spinner rings. Totally cool! Can't wait to see yours!
Hey Shuku, I re-sent my email to you...hope you get it this time. Also check your junk/spam folder. Often I find emails written to me in that folder. :-)
You'll make great hoops! I just know you will, because everything else you do is absolutely lovely too!
What a talented artist you are! I love your writings and your drawing.
Thank you so much for the wonderful comment on my blog!
Ohhh... :(
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