So I took it to the steel chasing block and hammered it to death in the hopes of improving it, and this was the result:

It wound up being called South Pacific, because of the colour of the mother-of-pearl shells I was using.
And of course, I just had to have a matching set of earrings and ring to go with, because I'm that sort of weird chick:

Forgive the lousy pictures. My brain's slightly dead from lack of sleep, as I went to bed around 4am finishing all this up. Why? *Everybody chimes in* I'm Insane. And I hate leaving pieces unfinished.
Now I go fall flat on my face and have chocolate.
The sketches from Langkawi WILL come eventually.
Shuku, I like the pendant. It is very nice although you are not very happy with it. Love the color.
there you go again shuku :) sleeping too 'early'! I really admire your energy and your will power to see things through and I am very sure, you'll reap wonderful harvest with such talent and determination!
I've been getting some things organised since I quit and i'm still in the midst of it...the unavoided delays in different areas are making me rather anxious now :D
Shuku, when will your next performance be? Do keep me posted on those ya :)
Ps: Hey, your new blog-header is really cool!
Hi Shuku!!
All your stuff is amazing! I love it!
let me show you the blog of a friend of mine that maybe interests you!
Random comment: Be Thou My Vision is in E flat Major in our hymnal.
Love the new site banner!
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