Thursday, April 26, 2018

NaPoWriMo 2018 Day 24: Requiem Mass

Prompt: Write an elegy – a poem typically written in honor or memory of someone dead. But we’d like to challenge you to write an elegy that has a hopefulness to it.

This was another humdinger of a prompt, not because it was any form of esoteric, but because my month started out with way too many elegies for departed friends. I think my brain just didn't want to face writing yet another one, so it stopped working (that, and having to write a second poem for the SEAPoWriMo prompts is taxing my writerly stamina to the utmost.)

I ended up writing an elegy to old ghosts, and a dead past that needed to be laid to rest.


Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
-- Introit of  traditional requiem mass

Twenty-five and terrified of the black hole you called a house
Which was really a trap where a monster in the wall lay in wait
With poison darts in the shape of words
Aiming at you whatever chance he could get
And you, a mermaid struggling in a net of his weaving
Believing you were only a dumb fish.

The sea rolls, swells. The years swallow themselves
And you are no longer a mermaid but Ariel on land
Dumb by choice for what you thought was love
But in reality was narcicissm twisted
To seem like love instead.

To exorcise ghosts, we lay the dead to rest
So I’m laying you to rest, twenty-five
Scatter your ashes for the winds to carry
To the four corners of the earth and beyond.
My tongue loosens, legs merging into scaled iridescence
Ariel returns to the buoyant sea.

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