Thursday, January 18, 2007

Moleskines and Pen Heaven!

A couple of days' absence from the sketchbook and pens generally make me entirely too bad-tempered for words. So even though I've been tired, I've been forcing myself to sit down and concentrate on some drawing. And I had a lovely time with Damascene here, which did wonders for my lousy mood:

But that's not the best thing that happened over the last few abysmally horrid days though...

Two days ago, a wonderful, wonderful package dating from December 2006 finally found its way to me. It was from an even more wonderful artist friend who not only gifted me with TWO! TWO! Moleskine journals, she also packed me a batch of new sepia pens of various brands to try out.

Of course I couldn't let that opportunity pass up, right? Only yesterday happened to be Wednesday, and I was supposed to be in operating theatre taking down clinical notes for my boss...

The Moleskine, incidentally, is small enough to slip into my pocket.

Presenting, tongue-in-cheek, what happens in between operations when a certain shivering artist is too cold to stand around on one foot any more, and has nice new drawing pens to try out:

There were a lot of fascinating wires on the anaesthetic machine, that's what those tubes are part of at the far right bottom. I just couldn't draw the stupid machine, there were too MANY wires and things.

She's wearing a lead apron - we were doing a case that involved some small amount of radiation with x-rays.

Our instrument table. There was a lot more on it, but I only had time to get that much before I had to scribble clinicals.

I had a LOT of fun but I've decided that at least for now, I like calligraphic chisel-tipped markers a lot better for getting texture. Still, those sepia pens are -lovely-. They made a beautiful henna pattern on the page I scribbled up today.

It's good to be drawing again. The last few days were -really- depressing, and when I'm depressed, I don't draw - but if I make the effort to, I do feel a lot better.

I really need some whelks!


Teri said...

Your lady is gorgeous!! You should be happy!

Your other OR sketches are great, brought back a lot of memories from my nursing career. Thanks.

Armand Serrano said...

Congratulatiuons on the moleskin journal, Shuku. Amazing how your temper produced such an exquisite drawing of a lady. And the O.R. sketches, they're beautiful and nicely done. Pressure gives out the artistic sensibilities in us. thanks for giving us a peaak of what's going on inside the room.

BTW, I love the "Egyptian Woman" poem you sent me last Christmas. Such a very creative piece. Thank you, my friend.

Armand Serrano said...

Congratulatiuons on the moleskin journal, Shuku. Amazing how your temper produced such an exquisite drawing of a lady. And the O.R. sketches, they're beautiful and nicely done. Pressure gives out the artistic sensibilities in us. thanks for giving us a peaak of what's going on inside the room.

BTW, I love the "Egyptian Woman" poem you sent me last Christmas. Such a very creative piece. Thank you, my friend.